Chapter 5 – Establishing Estimates
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Like it or not, the need to provide estimates for software projects isn’t going to disappear. Thankfully, the typical estimation burden that afflicts many teams can become significantly reduced should they choose to adopt the de facto standard for estimating Scrum projects: relative estimation.

The following three shortcuts introduce you to the concept of relative estimation and provide guidance on how to transition from traditional time-based estimation.

Shortcut 13: Relating to Estimating introduces the elegance of the relative estimation approach. Shortcut 14: Planning Poker at Pace provides a range of tips and tricks to ensure efficient Planning Poker sessions. Finally, Shortcut 15: Transitioning Relatively offers advice to assist teams in transitioning from time-based estimation to relative estimation.

Shortcut 13: Relating to Estimating

  • Estimation Pain
  • Why Bother Estimating?
  • Explaining Relative Estimation
  • Software Relative Estimation
  • Velocity 68 Relative Estimation in Practice

Shortcut 14: Planning Poker at Pace

  • Setting Up the Game
  • Planning Poker Mechanics
  • When to Play Planning Poker
  • Get the Team Warmed Up
  • Big Cards for Big Occasions
  • Don’t Double Up
  • Reaching a Consensus
  • Phones Can Help
  • It’s All about Benefits
  • Remember Parkinson’s Law

Shortcut 15: Transitioning Relatively

  • An Approach
  • Using Historical Work
  • Creating the Mappings
  • Keep Up Your Recycling

Wrap Up

The three shortcuts included in this chapter focus on a selection of tactics, tools, and tips to help your team understand and transition to the world of relative estimation. Here’s a recap of what is covered:

Shortcut 13: Relating to Estimating

  • Fundamental reasons for estimating requirements
  • An explanation of relative estimation using some easy-to-understand metaphors
  • Factors that influence a meaningful velocity

Shortcut 14: Planning Poker at Pace

  • The mechanics of a Planning Poker session
  • Tips to ensure that the team is warmed up and ready to launch into a game of Planning Poker
  • Additional spinoff benefits that Planning Poker offers

Shortcut 15: Transitioning Relatively

  • The benefits of using historical work to calibrate some initial reference points
  • How to create mappings between legacy requirements and story points
  • The process of generating a broad selection of meaningful reference points for future estimation sessions

This is only one chapter! See the full table of contents



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