Chapter 8 – Retros, Reviews, and Risks
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Thankfully, the days of the onerous, postmortem debrief (held at the very end of a long project when it is least helpful) are over! Instead, our Scrum projects opt for frequent inspection and adaptation of both the product and the process at the end of every sprint to ensure that risks are mitigated and lessons are being applied when they matter most.

The three shortcuts in this chapter provide suggestions for making the most of your regular sprint reviews and retrospectives.

Shortcut 22: To-Dos for Your Sprint Reviews focuses on steps to take to ensure your team doesn’t sell itself short during the open sprint review. Shortcut 23: Retrospective Irrespective suggests two effective retrospective techniques as well as key areas to focus on during this end-of-sprint activity. Shortcut 24: Risk Takers and Mistake Makers discusses the need to generate a failsafe environment, which in turn generates a culture of openness and innovation.

Shortcut 22: To-Dos for Your Sprint Reviews

  • During Sprint Planning
  • During the Sprint
  • During the Sprint Review
  • So-Called Suggestions
  • Picnics or Battles

Shortcut 23: Retrospective Irrespective

  • Reinforce Scrum’s Values
  • What If We’re Running One-Week Sprints?
  • Location, Location, Location
  • Getting Set
  • Output of the Retrospective
  • Format of the Retrospective
  • Seasoned Pros
  • Retrospective Attendees
  • Keep It Fresh

Shortcut 24: Risk Takers and Mistake Makers

  • Fear of Change
  • Free to Change
  • Fear of Exposure
  • Free to Be Exposed
  • Fear of Making Mistakes
  • Free to Make Mistakes
  • Lighten the Mood

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Wrap Up

The three shortcuts in this chapter focus on a selection of tactics, tools, and tips to help your team make the most of their sprint reviews and retrospectives. Here’s a recap what is covered:

Shortcut 22: To-Dos for Your Sprint Reviews

  • How to effectively prepare for the upcoming sprint review
  • The importance of not turning the sprint review into a one-way demonstration
  • Elements to consider incorporating in the sprint review

Shortcut 23: Retrospective Irrespective

  • The importance of never skipping a sprint retrospective
  • Two useful retrospective formats: Bubbles and Circles
  • Key improvement areas to inspect and adapt

Shortcut 24: Risk Takers and Mistake Makers

  • The importance of establishing a failsafe environment to ensure open and honest feedback sessions
  • Common fears that burden teams
  • A selection of measures to help teams overcome these fears

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