
Yes I’ve been slack but now I’m back!

Posted by Ilan Goldstein on August 14, 2013

I’m back! I know it has been way too long between drinks but better late then never I say! So where in the blogosphere have I been you ask? Well there are no doubt super-freaks out there who are able to write a book, start and run a business, navigate their first round of parenthood (with a cute impediment that doesn’t subscribe to the concept of sleep) AND maintain an active blog but sadly, I’m not one of them. Something had to give and that ‘something’ was the blog . I must apologise for this but hey, I managed to juggle three out of those four balls successfully (I think) which isn’t too bad!

On a brighter note, the great news is that the book is done (as in done done!) and blogging will now continue!

There will be more information about the book in subsequent posts but in a nutshell, it is a major extension of the original Scrum Shortcuts Without Cutting Corners blog (and very unoriginally uses the same name), is published by Pearson (under the Addison-Wesley brand) and sits proudly as part of the fantastic Mike Cohn Signature Series (a huge honour).

For those that had been following the original blog there are a few things to note:

  1. For disambiguation purposes, the domain will now be dedicated to the book rather than the blog. It will contain information about the book and a selection of print-ready sample chapters including all artwork.
  2. The original blog articles have now been moved to . These blog articles have been updated with supplementary content from the book to avoid confusion and (hopefully) add further value.
  3. Future blog posts (including this one of course) will also be located at
  4. If you are a subscriber to the original blog, I have taken the liberty of maintaining the subscription for the new version. If you have any issues with this please feel free to unsubscribe although I will certainly miss you ☹

I hope that this transition makes sense but if not, feel free to send me a note and I’ll be happy to elaborate further on what’s happening.

Again, thanks for your immense patience but I’m sure you understand that sometimes you actually need to practice what you preach when it comes to context-switching and working sustainably ☺

I’m excited to be back and hope you’ll continue the journey with me!

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