
Scrum Australia 2013 – Our first ever regional Scrum Gathering!

Posted by Ilan Goldstein on May 17, 2013

When fruit ninjas meet rockstars and lifeguards, entertainment is sure to follow, and that is exactly what transpired at Scrum Australia 2013 – the first ever Aussie Regional Scrum Gathering held in Sydney on April 10-11!

The surf-themed event was sold out well in advance thanks to the fantastic array of diverse speakers including Kenny Rubin and Martin Kearns who led the charge with their inspiring keynote presentations. It was also an honour to have Scrum Alliance managing director, Carol McEwan in attendance all the way from the US and we certainly appreciate all the support that we received from the Scrum Alliance to help make the event a huge success.

It was fantastic to see speakers and participants from cities far and wide including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Wellington, Shanghai and Denver making Scrum Australia a genuinely regional event.

As both Colin and Ilan together make up half of the board of directors for this event, AxisAgile was certainly well represented. Colin, the MC of the event ensured a fantastic energy was set and maintained throughout and Ilan’s ‘Rockstars or Studio Musicians’ presentation at the beginning of day one rocked the house!

We were supported by a great team comprising Martin Kearns, Rowan Bunning, Dave Bales, Stuart Bargon, Jessica Reid and Cathy Tang it was a pleasure working with such a dedicated group.

Apart from the inspirational presentations, the diverse format included a half-day of Open Space, allowing for some highly interactive and emergent collaboration among all attendees, as well as a Coaches Clinic that kept our Scrum ‘doctors’ extremely busy!

The feedback that we received for the event was truly heart-warming and certainly made us feel that all the hard work was well worth it. I must say that this inaugural event exceeded our wildest expectations and we sure hope that you join us again next year for v2.0!

Here’s a selection of images from the event. More available at scrum.com.au

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