‘Non-mandatory Agile accessories’ – Part 5 of the Scrum Myth-Buster Series

Posted On August 27, 2015 3:32 pm By Ilan Goldstein

Last time we spoke about the anti-documentation myth so let’s stick with the same theme and explore another related myth, that being the belief that if you do Scrum, you must utilize the User Story format to document requirements. True, this format has no doubt become a defacto standard and is certainly the most common […]

‘We don’t document, we’re Agile!’ – Part 4 of the Scrum Myth-Buster Series

Posted On August 7, 2015 10:13 am By Ilan Goldstein

OK, back again for part four of the Scrum Myth-Buster series and this time we are entering into agile taboo territoryā€¦ documentationā€¦ So this is a major myth that Iā€™m sure youā€™ve all heard before many times over, the perception being that Scrum is anti-documentation (especially detailed documentation and this is why we utilize the […]

‘Scrum is bigger than software’ – Part 3 of the Scrum Myth-Buster Series

Posted On July 16, 2015 9:32 am By Ilan Goldstein

Welcome back and now that weā€™ve warmed up in part one and two with some terminology myth bugbears, letā€™s move up a level to some ā€˜bigger pictureā€™ myths. Scrum outside of software ā€“ you donā€™t say! So hereā€™s a serious myth for you ā€“ Scrum is an approach only for software development. Now there are […]

‘Sprint for distance not speed’ – Part 2 of the Scrum Myth-Buster Series

Posted On March 5, 2015 3:53 pm By Ilan Goldstein

Hi all! I know itā€™s late but happy 2015! Thanks for sticking with me as I know that (once more) itā€™s been a little while between drinks. I could blame Christmas / New Year and a super hectic beginning to the year and so I will ā˜ŗ Anyway, when I left you last we started […]

The Scrum Myth-Buster Series

Posted On December 1, 2014 3:37 pm By Ilan Goldstein

Introduction As a Certified Scrum Trainer and agile coach, I can say without a shadow of doubt that there is a rising agile tide that has pushed well past its early adopter space and is now settling comfortably in the mainstream. These statistics published last year by VersionOne clearly indicate that this trend has led […]



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