Scrum Shortcuts Without Cutting Corners has hit the shelves!

Posted On September 23, 2013 12:53 pm By Ilan Goldstein

It’s Out With a huge sigh of relief I can happily say that my book, ā€˜Scrum Shortcuts Without Cutting Corners – Agile Tactics, Tools and Tipsā€™, is well and truly out in the wild! I can humbly admit that I completely under-estimated the efforts required to turn my nebulous thoughts into a published work but […]

Your Product Vision in Scrum

Posted On September 3, 2013 8:16 pm By Ilan Goldstein

ā€œWe need help! This whole Scrum thing doesnā€™t seem to be working anymore! Our stakeholders are putting immense pressure on our Product Owner to keep changing direction mid-Sprint. Even though our ScrumMaster is the size of a prop he is finding it hard to keep the pressure off our poor PO who is likely to […]

Yes I’ve been slack but now I’m back!

Posted On August 14, 2013 9:31 am By Ilan Goldstein

Iā€™m back! I know it has been way too long between drinks but better late then never I say! So where in the blogosphere have I been you ask? Well there are no doubt super-freaks out there who are able to write a book, start and run a business, navigate their first round of parenthood […]

Fragile Agile – Scrum antipatterns and pitfalls to watch out for!

Posted On June 8, 2013 10:18 pm By Ilan Goldstein

Possibly one of the most frustrating comments that I hear when speaking to novice software teams is, ā€œWe do Scrum ā€” we work in sprints, we have a daily scrum, and we even have a product backlog.ā€ In addition, although they may not explicitly say it, you can often add, ā€œWe donā€™t write any documentation, […]

Metrics to measure your Scrum adoption and Scrum progress

Posted On May 31, 2013 9:26 am By Ilan Goldstein

I sometimes hear industry colleagues comment that their project team is, ā€œAbout 85% agileā€ or they might say something like, ā€œWe are using Scrum to about 50% capacity. The typical question that goes through my head when I hear comments such as these is, ā€œwhat the hell does that mean?ā€ Letā€™s take a look at […]



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