Bah, Scrum Bug! How to manage those bugs and issues

Posted On November 2, 2011 8:47 pm By Ilan Goldstein

Although we no longer have to contend with actual moths infiltrating our vacuum tubes (yep, thatā€™s where the term bug originates), their digital descendants are still regular visitors to every codebase on the planet. In the same way that bugs have changed over time, so has the way that they are dealt with, and this […]

Sprint issues – when sprints turn into crawls

Posted On October 11, 2011 8:16 pm By Ilan Goldstein

As Eisenhower famously put it: “Plans are useless yet planning is indispensable”. There is a great deal of wisdom to this and apart from war, nowhere does this truism reflect more than in the software development world. This is a primary reason that Scrum and other Agile frameworks came into being. Although the frameworks offer […]

Sprint planning – plan the sprint, then sprint the plan

Posted On September 22, 2011 9:41 pm By Ilan Goldstein

Sprint planning is the ‘make or break’ Scrum ceremony. A thorough and well conducted session is critical to an accurate sprint commitment which in turn is the basis for long-term team success. If youā€™re serious about your sprint planning, youā€™ll want to read more…

Scrum metrics and reporting – measure what you manage

Posted On August 29, 2011 9:21 am By Ilan Goldstein

Youā€™ve introduced Scrum and your team is out of the blocks, sprinting away! Things are going pretty well until some wise guy from senior management comes up to you and says something along the lines of: ā€œSooo, this whole Scrum thing sounds great in theory but what metrics are you going to use to actually […]

Outstanding stand-ups

Posted On July 22, 2011 12:24 am By Ilan Goldstein

Ask anyone in the sales department what Scrum is, and apart from mentioning the colorful, sticky-note-decorated task board, they will more than likely mention the daily scrum, also known as the team stand-up. The daily scrum is the regular pulse of the team. A pulse needs to be steady, consistent, and lively to remain healthy, […]



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